What should I expect at a Sunday service?

Here’s a breakdown of a typical Sunday service at Bay Area Vineyard:

  • 10:30am – Coffee and snacks
    Please grab yourself a cup of coffee and a snack before finding a seat. This is also a great time to catch up with old friends or meet some new friends.

  • 10:40am(ish) – Worship in song
    We begin our service with a time of worship. Our worship band will play a variety of contemporary worship songs from a variety of different artists: Vineyard Worship, Kari Jobe, Pat Barrett, We The Kingdom, Bethel, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, Elevation Worship, and more. Our worship time is informal, but intentional. When we worship together, we sing for God’s glory, and we invite the Holy Spirit to meet us as we sing. We typically worship for about 25 minutes.

  • Prayer
    After our time of worship, we are seated as we transition into a time of prayer. Anyone with a prayer request or a praise is invited to briefly share with the church (this is optional). Some may choose to offer the prayer themselves, or have Pastor Mo or another pray for their prayer request. All are encouraged to agree in their hearts and pray along silently as we pray for each request.

  • Announcements
    Before announcements, kids in K-5th grade are invited to join Miss Biz, our Kids Pastor, or another volunteer leader for our VKids ministry. Pastor Mo will then share a few announcements about upcoming events at the Vineyard.

  • Teaching
    Pastor Mo or a member from our teaching team will share a Bible-based teaching, usually about 25-35 minutes in length. Once a month, we’ll receive Communion together, and at other times we may have a special time of worship and prayer before concluding the service.

  • 12:10pm (approximate) – Dismissal
    After dismissal, many of our church members like to stick around for a bit to catch up after the service. Pastor Mo and Biz will also be available to answer any questions you may have about the church. We would love to share a meal with you and get to know you!

What should I wear?

Dress is very casual at Vineyard churches. Some may choose to dress up a bit more in business casual or smart casual attire, and others will dress very comfortably. You’ll see a range of comfy attire – jeans with an untucked button up shirt or polo, or shorts and a t-shirt with sneakers or sandals. All are encouraged to dress modestly, but other than that, come dressed however you would be most comfortable.

Do you have a nursery and kids ministry?

Yes! You can check your little ones into the nursery when you arrive. All K-5th grade kiddos are invited to join our VKids ministry after our time of worship together.

Do you receive an offering?

We don’t pass plates/baskets or ask to receive an offering during our services. We encourage our newcomers to relax and just focus on getting to know us and our church a little better.

Those who consider Bay Area Vineyard to be their church home are encouraged to give regularly to help support our ministries. Scripture teaches us, “honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce” (Proverbs 3:9). On Sunday mornings, we have an offering box available (towards the back), or you can give securely online. Thank you for supporting our ministries!